82 research outputs found


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    Efforts towards economic development in Brazil and India share some common aspects. From the beginning of the 1950s to the end of the 1980s, both countries adopted import substitution policies including high tariffs and non-tariff barriers. Since the beginning of the 1990s, liberalizing economic reforms have been implemented by the respective Governments. If we compare the reach of the Brazilian reform to that of India, one could easily conclude that the former was more extensive and profound than the latter; and in conventional indicators of innovative effort such as research and development expenditures, education coverage, average years of education and literacy rate, Brazil’s results are a little bit better than those of India. However, since the beginning of the 1980s, India has been showing better general economic performance than Brazil. This paper argues and gives some empirical evidence to show that India’s performance is explained by its institutional capacity for coordinating conventional macroeconomic policies with other policies related to its National Innovation System.

    Proximal Multitask Learning over Networks with Sparsity-inducing Coregularization

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    In this work, we consider multitask learning problems where clusters of nodes are interested in estimating their own parameter vector. Cooperation among clusters is beneficial when the optimal models of adjacent clusters have a good number of similar entries. We propose a fully distributed algorithm for solving this problem. The approach relies on minimizing a global mean-square error criterion regularized by non-differentiable terms to promote cooperation among neighboring clusters. A general diffusion forward-backward splitting strategy is introduced. Then, it is specialized to the case of sparsity promoting regularizers. A closed-form expression for the proximal operator of a weighted sum of 1\ell_1-norms is derived to achieve higher efficiency. We also provide conditions on the step-sizes that ensure convergence of the algorithm in the mean and mean-square error sense. Simulations are conducted to illustrate the effectiveness of the strategy

    O complexo eletrônico brasileiro

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    Bibliografia: p. 189-19

    Uma contribuição ao debate sobre a nova política industrial brasileira

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    A versão final deste artigo foi beneficiada pelos comentários de Pierre Salama, Luis Carlos Delorme Prado, Fabio Giambiagi, Honório Kume, Sônia Lebre Café, Sander Magalhães Lacerda, Eriksom Teixeira Lima e Sheila Najberg. Os erros remanescentes são de responsabilidade exclusiva do autor.Inclui bibliografia: p. 64-68 e notas

    Estratégias de desenvolvimento em países de industrialização retardatária: modelos teóricos, a experiência do Leste Asiático e lições para o Brasil

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    Bibliografia: p. 170-175O artigo rediscute o problema da “estratégia do desenvolvimento econômico” à luz dos principais modelos teóricos (neoclássico e evolucionista) que disputam a hegemonia interpretativa das experiências recentes dos países de “industrialização retardatária”, notadamente os do Leste da Ásia, que conseguiram (os “tigres asiáticos”) ou vêm conseguindo (a China) resultados bastante promissores no processo de convergência tecnológica, econômica e social para padrões similares aos dos países maduros. O trabalho também analisa as implicações de política industrial, emanadas de cada um desses modelos e, ao final, extrai do debate recente sobre estratégias de desenvolvimento após a crise asiática de 1997 lições para que o Brasil venha a superar sua atual condição de país em desenvolvimento.This paper discusses the “strategy of economic development” within the neoclassical and evolutionary framework models, once both of them dispute the explanatory hegemony of some “late-industrialization” countries’ success, especially from East Asia (including China). The paper also analyzes the implications of these theoretical models on industrial policy. Finally, it intends to withdraw some lessons, from the current debate on economic development policies after the 1997 Asian Crisis, for Brazilian development strategies

    Estrutura e competitividade da indústria brasileira: o que mudou?

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    Bibliografia: p. 19.O artigo analisa as principais mudanças estruturais ocorridas na indústria brasileira no período 1996/2002. Com base na Pesquisa Industrial Anual (PIA), do IBGE, compara-se o comportamento dos investimentos e do valor adicionado por segmento industrial, para, em seguida, cruzar esses resultados com os principais indicadores de comércio exterior e de competitividade internacional da economia brasileira. Dentre outros resultados, conclui-se que a indústria manufatureira perdeu participação relativa no total dos investimentos realizados e destaca-se o avanço significativo da participação relativa do valor adicionado pelo segmento petrolífero no total do valor adicionado da indústria, além da perda de participação relativa desse mesmo indicador por parte dos segmentos químico, automotivo e de máquinas e equipamentos. Constata-se também a redução do coeficiente de penetração das importações (confirmando a substituição de importações), bem como o aumento do coeficiente de exportações (confirmando a maior orientação externa das atividades industriais) na maioria dos segmentos manufatureiros.This paper analyzes the structural changes in the Brazilian manufacturing sector between 1996 and 2002. Based on the Yearly Industrial Survey (PIA) of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), it not only compares the investment and value-added for each industrial segment, but also cross references these against indicators of foreign trade and the international competitiveness of the Brazilian economy. It concludes that, among other things, during this period, the manufacturing sector’s share of total investment in the economy declined. Attention is drawn to the significant increase in the oil industry’s relative share of total value-added in the manufacturing sector and the decline in the relative share of the chemical, automotive and machinery and equipment industries. There was also a reduction in the import penetration coefficient (indicating import substitution) and an increase in the export coefficient (showing a growing external orientation of industrial activities) of most of the Brazilian manufacturing industries between 1996 and 2004

    Notas preliminares sobre o desempenho competitivo da indústria de bens de capital brasileira no período recente

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    Bibliografia: p. 251Por ser um dos setores-chave na determinação da produtividade média da economia e do perfil competitivo de praticamente todos os setores da atividade produtiva, a indústria de bens de capital é de grande importância para o processo de desenvolvimento econômico. Ainda que em caráter preliminar, os dados sobre o desempenho doméstico e os indicadores de inserção internacional analisados neste trabalho procuram apontar, dentre os oito subsetores da indústria de bens de capital, os segmentos com maior potencial de desenvolvimento futuro no Brasil

    Effect of the isoelectronic substitution of Sb for As on the magnetic and structural properties of LaFe(As1−xSbx)O

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    International audienceThe antiferromagnetic (AFM) order and structural distortion in the LaFe(As1−xSbx)O system have been investigated by neutron powder diffraction and physical properties measurements. Polycrystalline samples of LaFe(As1−xSbx)O (x < 0.5) were prepared using solid state synthesis at ambient and high pressure. We find that the isoelectronic substitution of Sb for As decreases the structural and magnetic transition temperatures, but, contrary to the effects of phosphorus substitution, superconductivity is not induced. Instead a slight increase in the Fe-magnetic moment is observed